Mental Health

9 Healthy Ways to Cope with Depression

Depression can be quite perplexing. It manifests differently in each person, and what works for…

Could Cannabis Help Manage Your Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience. But for some, it is a…

Ever Wonder Why Hormones Affect Your Anxiety?

If you’re a woman living with anxiety, the odds are that your hormones play a…

Using Ashwagandha for Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect roughly 30% of the population, making them the most common mental health…

Behaviors and Your Mental Health

Unless you experience persistent negative thoughts, you may not realize the little things that disrupt…

gray living room sofa with blanket and pillow
Your Environment and Your Mood

Mental illnesses affect people differently. However, at the core of each case is an impairment…

person at desk working on a laptop
Is Your Job Making You Depressed?

Do you feel disconnected from your job? Are you frequently absent from work and use…

fighting stress
Fight Stress with these 3 Habits

We all experience stress. Essentially, stress happens when the demands on a situation exceed your…

man sitting in cafe staring out window
Maladaptive Daydreaming

Daydreaming is common human behavior. It’s normal for your mind to wander during a boring…

woman sitting on the floor worried
Agoraphobia vs. OCD

On the surface, agoraphobia (AG) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) appear like different anxiety-based conditions. AG…

panic disorders
Panic Disorders

Panic disorders1 are one of the most common types of anxiety disorders. Practitioners diagnose them…

Inflammation and Your Body

Inflammation is a natural process that we all experience. Quite often, when we think about…